Testimonials: Real Stories Of Transformation At Weird Flex Gym
“Genevieve has helped me make gains in my Health, fitness, and quiality of life that i wouldn’t have made without her. She listens. creates a customized program to help me meet my goal, and checks in regularly to adjust as needed me respond to and recover from injury. and more fit. She
show care for my mental and physical well-being while pushing
me to test and exceed what i thought were my limits.”
“I have worked with Genevieve for a year and a half it has been a life changing experience. She’s encouraging. knowledgeable and kind. Genevieve is a wonderful teacher, even over zoom she can make corrections to my positioning. and keep me motivated. I’ve learned and look forward to our sesions She’s the best
“Genevieve is an awesome coach! I’ve had the pleasure of knowing her for many years and have seen her help countless people on thier fitness,journey. After two years of staying out of gym because of the pandemic i finally decided to rejoin a gym. Genevieve designed a program for me that helped me reacclimate my body to using barbells and other equipment that i hadn’t touched lifting) the other real benefit to working with Genevieve is that she makes sure to ask questions, Go over what’s coming up next in the program, and to make any adjutments or tweaks. I have a few injured more by helping me with my technique and the others tips for safety AND by modifying the program when something wasn’t working or didn’t feel right
i cannot thank her enough for helping me get into amazing shape agian!

“I wanted workouts that were challenging,varied,and that idealy would incorporate my new found love for bosing Genevieve was the perfect fit! She created workouts that helped me improve my boxing skills, while building strength, increasing stamina, and improving both balance and flexibility.
she was pivotal in helping me identify the source of recurring injuries and strengthening those areas. Genevieve was able to integrate various stretching and recovery practices into my workouts to aviod further injry Genevieve is authentic, intelligent, and really kind. i feel very fortunateto have trained with someone for whom i have so much respect for
Genevieve has been a game change for me. I originally came to her in early 2019 with back problems that it was strating to have a real impact on my life i had tried several other trainers/physical therapists prior, with no results. She was able to quickly diagnose all of my issues before frist session even ended. after just a few weeks! couldn’t believe the progress. I went from barely being able to get out of bed in the morning to playing basketball and deadllifting a respectable amount of weight. it was so meaningful to be able to”agian and was such an improvement in how i felt physically and mentally. She literally changed my life